Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October Meeting

Hi everyone!

Our next meeting will be October 5th (Tuesday) at 7:30pm in Nixson Hall room 104.


Running Times:
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 6:30am
Wed am: 7:30am
Mon-Thurs evenings 5:30pm

Monday, September 20, 2010

Table In The Student Center!

Wanna see a better turnout at running club?
Wanna see less people smoking on campus? (A stretch but its worth a chance)

THE KENT STATE UNIVERSITY RUNNING CLUB will be having an informational table just inside of the student center on the following dates!! Please stop by to show your support!
Tues Sept 28: 1-4pm
Wed Sept 29: 12-2pm
Thurs Sept 30: 1-4pm

We will being answering questions, getting people pumped up to RUN!!!

Questions? Email me :) Sara Harper at sharpe1@kent.edu

Happy Monday!

Run Run Run!

Hi Everyone!!

I just want to keep everyone up to date!
All runs are taking place, please join us :)

Mon-Thurs: 6:30am & 5:30pm

Keep in touch! We will be decided on the date & time your our Oct Meeting where we will accomplish the following and then some:
-Finalizing our KSU Run Shirts design-taking shirt sizes along w an estimated price
-Attending Bowman Cup as a club
-Volunteer Opportunities
-Scavenger Hunt taking place in downtown Kent-There is a blog post about this-Please Read
-Reserving a table in the student center to get more people involved in KSU Run Club

If you have any other suggestions, please email or post suggestions on here! Thanks :)
Sara Harper, sharpe1@kent.edu

Monday, September 13, 2010

Future KSU Running Club Shirts!

One of our fellow runners, Alex, has been working on possible designs for the KSU Running Club.
Right now-it appears the saying: Run Like You Stole Something-(with a black squirrel stealing an acorn) is in the lead. Check out the graphics below and let me know what you think!

Just as a reminder:
Run Times are as followed:
Mon-Thurs: 6:30am AND 5:30pm
Location: Meet just outside of the main entrance of the student center. The main entrance is where the double stairs and fountain is location. Look for us outside usually to the left by the bike rack and windows. We changed it from the original location.
Questions? Just ask :) Sara Harper- sharpe1@kent.edu
Also WE DO have a FACEBOOK GROUP from last year: Kent State Running Club-I'll soon send out the listserv for the meeting which will be great for last minute organized runs but till then please join the group!
Have a GREAT Monday Runners!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Race Volunteers Needed

Alright I know most college students don't exactly "plan ahead" but there are exceptions to this stereotype.
Anyway-The Kent State University Running Club has been asked to assist with volunteering at the Towpath 10k, Half, & Full Marathon on October 10, 2010.

KSU Running Club in association with Grunt Girl Racing is planning on 'running' one of the water spots on the course. If you have ever participated in a road race event you know how much time, effort, and planning occurs to make it happen. If you appreciate that, give up a few hours in the morning and give back to the community!! :)
If you need more incentive...volunteer hours LOOK GREAT on a resume!

Sherlock Holmes Scavenger Hunt to take place in Kent

Sherlock Holmes Scavenger Hunt to take place in Kent

Grand prize is a week stay in a Florida condo..... HOLY SHIT? And THIS is FOR REAL GUYS

The popularity of mystery movies and mystery novels is growing into a worldwide phenomenon. People enjoy watching crime shows on television and they get excited when they solve the mystery before it is revealed.

Main Street Kent is proud to present “The ABC Mysteries” Sherlock Holmes Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, September 25th from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Teams of four will race through downtown Kent to find clues throughout local businesses. The clues will lead teams to a downtown Kent business to receive their next clue. Once a team collects all of their clues and reaches the finish line with the “final puzzle” solved, or time runs out, they will be eligible to win a variety of prizes.

Ron Burbick has generously donated the event’s grand prize. It is a week’s stay at a beautiful condo overlooking the water in St. Pete Beach, Florida!

All ages are invited to take place in this event. The event will be held despite the weather. If you’re a detective or you want to take a trip to Florida, this event is the way to go.

As Sherlock Holmes once said, “Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot!”
Cost per team of four is $50. Live music will play from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. while the winners of the event are being reviewed. Space is very limited. The registration deadline is September 19. Registration forms can be found on Main Street Kent’s website (www.MainStreetKent.com) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/MainStreetKent).
About the grand prize: It is a week’s stay at a condo located in St. Pete Beach, Fl. The development is called Sunrise Resort). It is a two bedroom condo (sleeps four), has a full kitchen, a living area and a balcony overlooking the water. No pets allowed. The condo must be booked by October 31, 2010 and used by June 1, 2011. Kent State spring break dates are available.

If you would like more information on this event email myself, Sara Harper at sharpe1@kent.edu or http://www.mainstreetkent.com/ they also have a Facebook Group!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

King of da Mountain

Wednesday 6:30am:
6 runners ran with the KSU Run Club this morning. Just over a 3 mile run down on some trails by the river then finishing with a King/Queen of the Mountain pick-up run up Midway Road from Route 59. Jason won top honors and gets to hold the "Title" till next time.

Just a reminder of run times:
Mon-Thurs: 6:30am
Mon-Thurs: 5:30pm

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kent State University Running Club Minutes!!

Hi everyone!
The following are the minutes from our meeting this evening.
If you have any questions, please email me, Sara Harper, sharpe1@kent.edu
September 7, 2010:
Short introduction of the KSU Run Club
     *all skill abilities
     *open to undergraduate, graduate, staff of KSU
-New Organized Run Times:
      Mondays-Thursdays: 6:30am
       Mondays-Thursday: 5:30pm
      We changed the Meeting Location to the main entrance of the Student Center.
      To as clear as possible we will meet just outside of the main staircase thats inside of the student center
       There arelockers that are available to rent out for free for the semester if needed. See the information desk of the student center for full details.
Future KSU Run Club Events-Creating Tech T-shirts
A "Tackle the Tower" Event was dicussed. Ex: Running up the library stairs contest. *I will look into this*
The current idea for the shirt is a black squirrel bandit with the saying "Run Like You Stole Something"
Any ideas please submit to Sara Harper, sharpe1@kent.edu, and they will be presented at our next meeting where we plan to finalize shirts.
Briefly discuss the tentative race calendar
Ex: Bowman Cup on Oct. 9 in Kent, Ohio
Electing Officers for the KSU Run Club
Guidelines of our constitution were followed and overseen by our Advisor-Jodie.
The officers include the following:
President-Sara Harper
Vice President-Hannah Hughes
Secretary-Toria Stahl
Treasurer- Miranda Pomiecko
Historian- Laura Frear
Question & Answer Segment-
running days/times were confirmed.
Post Meeting:
Please keep in mind our next meeting will most likely be the first week in October.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Run Run Runnnin Club

Hey Everybody!
Well if your reading this, you've survived the first week of school. Congrats to you-now just 15 more!

The Kent State University Running Club just wants to send out a friendly reminder about our first official meeting this Tuesday night (TOMORROW) on Sept 7 AT 6:00PM!!

We will be covering some important topics including voting in our officers for the year. If you would like to run for a position but cannot make the meeting please submit a short paragraph of why you are running for a certain,etc to me, Sara Harper at sharpe1@kent.edu by 6pm tomorrow.

Other topics include:

-rearranging run times if needed
-KSU Run Club race calendar
-electing officers (Pres, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian!
-Q&A segment

Hope to see you all there!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hannah Hughes ran a fast 3 miler this morning at 22:54!
If ya wanna run with this BEAST or mmm..speedwalk w me, come join the TRUE CHAMPS who get up and meeting at 6:30AM on Monday & Wednesday mornings.

What better way to start the day than getting up & getting your workout done!


#1. Lose Weight...prevent the Freshman 15!
#2. Slows down aging
#3. Lower cholesterol
#4. Lower blood pressure
#5. Healthier lungs...stop smoking & RUN
#6. Boosts your brain..we are in college to learn I guess
#7. Improves your mood..my drug is adrenaline. It makes me happy :)
#8. Stronger cardio system
#9. BETTER SEX-scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health showed that men who were physically active (such as runners) had 30% less chance of developing problems in the bedroom and that the increased blood flow around the body caused by regular exercise meant that both men and women experienced a more 'potent love life'. http://www.therunningbug.co.uk/
#10. Join the community-c'mon give into peer pressure just this one time. Socialize & to something GOOD for you and RUN!

Again-If you have any questions about the Kent State University Running Club, feel free to contact me, Sara Harper at sharpe1@kent.edu or for more information visit the Center for Student Involvement located in the Student Center!